A One Day Journey Through the Soul of New Mexico
Rhoda Barkan and Peter Sinclaire
ISBN: 978-0-943734-42-2
136 pages, perfectbound
24 line drawings by John D. Rice, Jr.
Here is the perfect book to guide you through the enchanting high desert landscape that Georgia O'Keeffe called home. You explore Spanish villages, living Indian pueblos, Anasazi ruins, stunningly colorful landforms, and much more on this perfect highway adventure north from Santa Fe.
Georgia O'Keeffe, who became the nation's preeminent woman of art, fell in love with New Mexico's high desert landscape and made it her subject as well as her home.
Along the way you will visit the Santa Fe Opera, San Ildefonso Pueblo, O'Keeffe's home in Abiquiu, the Ghost Ranch, Echo Amphitheater, follow the serene Chama River, and consider side ventures to Valles Caldera, Los Alamos and Bandelier National Monument.
Detailed maps, handy markers for photo opportunities, a calendar of Pueblo Inidan ceremonials, glossary and pronunciation guide, and detailed suggestions for hiking and birding make this the essential travel companion to a unique corner of America overlooked by many travelers.
"This guidebook is a carefully designed and well-thought out companion for a road trip through northern New Mexico...a great book to lend to houseguests, to suggest to tourists and to just keep handy in the glove compartment."
— New Mexico Magazine